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Meet Our Board: Dawn Stump

In this featured article, we are highlighting Railbird board member, Dawn Stump. Dawn plays a crucial role in shaping compliance policies in her capacity as a member of the Regulatory Oversight Committee. She also oversees market results and disciplinary proceedings through her involvement on the Disciplinary Panel, Appeals Panel, and Market Outcome Review Committee.

Dawn recently completed her term as a Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the independent U.S. agency regulating the $200+ trillion derivatives market. She shares her expertise as a board member of GBBC Digital Finance, a strategic advisor to Solidus Labs, a managing director for SEDA Experts, and a member of the 5-person Advisory Council to the Women in Financial Markets Board of Directors. Currently, Dawn is the Principal of Stump Strategic, an advisory firm specializing in business development for highly regulated industries.

She previously held positions as Senior Vice President of the Futures Industry Association and concurrently as Executive Director of its Americas Advisory Board. Additionally, she was a Vice President at NYSE Euronext. During her early career, she served in senior professional staff positions for both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. Actively involved in negotiating the reform of derivatives regulations in the Dodd-Frank Act, she also managed oversight of commodity and financial derivatives markets.

Dawns holds a BS in Agricultural Economics from Texas Tech University.

By Railbird
New York

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