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Earn money for predicting the future.

Pending regulatory approval
Novel Contracts
Find and trade contracts in new markets
Clean and intuitive interface

Enter the marketplace of ideas, literally.

On Railbird, each market is an event. The price of the market reflects the public's belief in an event's likelihood. You can buy and sell contracts at any time, a flexibility that allows you to change your position based on new insight, information or just a gut feeling.


Use your business experience to predict key indexes and trade rumors related to high-publicity corporate actions.
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Turn your business’s downside risk into upside potential by making predictions about the factors that drive consumer behavior.
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Stay ahead of industry disruptions by trading on the software and apps that power the next-gen economy.
of our market predicts that DRAM prices will increase in January 2024.
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Coming soon

Railbird is awaiting regulatory approval, with plans to launch later this year.

  • Pending regulatory approval
  • Exclusive markets
  • Low-to-no fees
  • User-friendly
  • Open 18 hours a day
  • Accessible in all 50 states

Master the markets. Trade on Railbird.

Start trading your opinions and find out how much they are worth!

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What is Railbird?

Railbird is in the process of becoming a CFTC-regulated derivatives exchange. Our exchange lets you earn money by predicting the outcome or extent of future events. From financial markets to major weather events, invest in your predictions by trading Railbird’s contracts.

How does Railbird work?

Businesses, financial institutions, and individuals can trade on our exchange to hedge economic risks or predict by buying or selling contracts related to the outcome or extent of an event. Contracts pay out on the settlement date or, if earlier, at the time the market outcome is determined.

Who can use Railbird?

Individuals over the age of 18 who have the right documentation with an existing bank account can apply for an account. Once approved by Railbird, users will have access to our exchange. Businesses will also be able to apply for an account. 

What are event contracts?

An event contract is a derivative that pays out on a specific event, occurrence or value. Traders can buy and sell contracts based on their own knowledge or opinion about a particular event. This allows market participants to hedge their risk for potential changes in the future.

How is Railbird regulated?

Railbird is pending regulatory approval. Once Railbird is licensed, we will monitor our markets and report to the Commission for any irregularities. As part of our requirements, Railbird also works with a clearing house to facilitate transactions and provide market stability. Read our rules and requirements in Railbird’s Rulebook.

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By continuing to use Railbird's website or clicking "Accept All Cookies," you acknowledge that you have read and accept the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy. Railbird uses cookies to analyze site usage, marketing, site management and more.